Arrecades d'aro Caminos Collection
Hoop Earrings Caminos collection.
Exclusive design, created and made in Barcelona.
Minimalism but with texture, color and shine that will make them your perfect complement for many of your looks.
Available in green, blue, red, black add your request in the order.
Measurement: 5cm x 5cm

*El color de les joies pot variar lleugerament a causa del seu procés de fabricació artesanal.

*Per a més informació escriviu per WhatsApp o envieu un correu electrònic a filiplaza@filiplaza.com

A la Península, excloent les Illes Balears i les Canàries. No vàlid per a les Escultures Fili Plaza
Enviament en 48 a 72h (només joies en estoc)
Tria una adreça d'entrega abans d'aplicar el descompte o l'enviament gratuït.
Hoop Earrings Caminos collection.
Exclusive design, created and made in Barcelona.
Minimalism but with texture, color and shine that will make them your perfect complement for many of your looks.
Available in green, blue, red, black add your request in the order.
Measurement: 5cm x 5cm
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Hoop Earrings Caminos collection.
Exclusive design, created and made in Barcelona.
Minimalism but with texture, color and shine that will make them your perfect complement for many of your looks.
Available in green, blue, red, black add your request in the order.
Measurement: 5cm x 5cm